Souvenir du lac de Zuric. Valses [Souvenir of Lake Zurich. Waltzes] WoO.0B (1840).
Unpublished. LOST.
Six Ländler WoO.0F (1840).
Unpublished. LOST.
Trois Fantaisies de Soir [Three Evening Fantasies] WoO.1 (1841).
Unpublished. LOST.
Schicksale (des Fortunes) [Fates]. Fantasie WoO.2 (1841).
Unpublished. LOST.
Sérénade Op.1 ( 1842).
Published: 1843, André.
Trois Pièces caractéristiques [Three Characteristic Pieces] Op.2 (1842).
Published: 1844, Breitkopf & Härtel. Premiere (Valse): 4 August 1844, Nuolun.
- Prélude.
- Prélude.
- Valse Capricieuse [Capricious Waltz].
Trois Morceaux [Three Pieces] Op.2 (1876). Listen to an extract
Published: 1877, Breitkopf & Härtel. A new work, replacing the original Op.2.
- I. Elegie.
- II. Romance.
- III. Valse [Waltz].
Opening of II. Romance.
Valentina Seferina. © Cameo Classics.
Scherzo Op.3 (1842).
Published: 1844, Breitkopf & Härtel.
Scherzo Op.3 (1881). Listen to the complete work
Published: 1881, Breitkopf & Härtel. A new work, replacing the original Op.3.
Digital realisation by Segundo Yogore
Fantaisie brillante sur des motifs de l’opéra Maria di Rudenz de Donizetti [Brillant Fantasy on motifs from the Opera Maria di Rudenz by Donizetti] Op.4 (1842).
Published: 1844, Breitkopf & Härtel. Premiere: 4 August 1844, Nuolun.
Fantaisie Op.4 (1881).
Published: 1881, Breitkopf & Härtel. A new work, replacing the original Op.4.
Quatre Galops brillants [Four Brilliant Gallops] Op.5 (1843).
Published: 1844, Breitkopf & Härtel.
- No.1. La Capricieuse [The Capricious Woman].
- No.2. La Coquette [The Flirty Woman].
- No.3. La Gracieuse [The Graceful Woman].
- No.4. La Baccante [The Follower of Bacchus].

Quatre Galop-Caprices [Four Gallop-Caprices] Op.5 (1878).
Listen to an extract
Published: 1878, Breitkopf & Härtel. A new work, replacing the original Op.5.
- No.I. Allegro.
- No.II. Allegro.
- No.III. Allegro.
- No.IV. Allegro.
Close of No.III.
Ole Zartbaum. © Ole Zartbaum Music.
Fantaisie et Variations brillantes [Fantasy and Brilliant Variations] Op.6 (1843). Published: 1844, Breitkopf & Härtel.
Variations Op.6 (1878). Listen to the complete work
Published: 1878, Breitkopf & Härtel. A new work, replacing the original Op.6.
Digital realisation by Segundo Yogore.
Rondeau brillant sur l’air : “Io son ricco e tu sei bella” de l’opéra L’Elisir d’amore de Donizetti [Brilliant Rondo on the air I’m rich and you’re beautiful, from the opera L’Elisir d’Amore by Donizetti] Op.7 (1843).
Listen to the complete work
Published: 1845, Breitkopf & Härtel. Premiere: 11 August 1844, Nuolun.
de l’opéra L’Elisir d’amore de Donizetti Op.7
Digital realisation by Segundo Yogore.
Douze Romances en Forme d’Études [Twelve Romances in the Form of Studies] Op.8 (1843). Listen to an extract
Published: 1845, Breitkopf & Härtel.
- I. L’Abbandonata [The Abandoned Woman].
- II. Pastorale [Pastoral Piece].
- III. Il Fuggitivo [The Fugitive].
- IV. L’Amicizata [Friendship].
- V. Il Pianto dell’ Amante [A Lover’s Tears].
- VI. Il Delirio [The Nightmare].
- VII. Barcarola.
- VIII. Preghiera [Prayer].
- IX. I Gladiatori [The Gladiators].
- X. Mazurka.
- XI. La Contentezza [Contentment].
- XII. Polonaise.
The close of I. L’Abbandonata.
Tra Nguyen. © Grand Piano.
Impromptu brilliant Op.9 (1843).
Published: 1845, Breitkopf & Härtel.
Introduction et Rondeau [Introduction & Rondo] Op.9 (1875).
Published: 1876, Breitkopf & Härtel. A new work, replacing the original Op.9.
Hommage au Néoromantisme [Homage to Neoromanticism]. Grand Capriccio Op.10 (1843).
Published: 1845, Breitkopf & Härtel.
Hommage au Néoromantisme [Homage to Neoromanticism]. Grand Capriccio Op.10 (1881).
Published: 1883, Breitkopf & Härtel (posthumous). A new work, replacing the original Op.10.
Air Suisse [Swiss Air] Op.11 (1844). Listen to the complete work
Published: 1845, Breitkopf & Härtel.
Digital realisation by Segundo Yogore.
Fantaisie gracieuse: Morceau de Salon [Graceful Fantasy: Salon Piece]. Op.12 (1844).
Published: 1846, Breitkopf & Härtel.
Fantaisie Op.12 (1881).
Published: 1881, Breitkopf & Härtel. A new work, replacing the original Op.12.
Fantasie über zwei Charactere aus den Pariser Mysterien des Sue [Fantasy on Two Characters from the Paris Mysteries of Sue] WoO.2A (1844).
Unpublished. LOST.
Konzert-Ronde [Concert Rondo] WoO.2B (1840-44).
Unpublished. LOST. Premiere: 4 August 1844, Nuolun.
Notturno WoO.2C (1840-1844).
Unpublished. LOST. Premiere: 4 August 1844, Nuolun.
Rondo de Concert über ein Motif aus Le pré aux clercs [Concert Rondo on a Motif from Le pré aux clercs] WoO.2D (1840-44).
Unpublished. LOST. Premiere: 4 August 1844.
Etude alla Polacca WoO.2E (1840-44).
Unpublished. LOST. Premiere: 11 August 1844.
Drei Charakterstücke [Three Character Pieces] WoO.2F (1844).
Unpublished. LOST.
Fantaisie et Variations WoO.2I (1844).
Unpublished. LOST.
Fantaisie et Variations Brillante [Fantasy & Brilliant Variations] WoO.2J (1844).
Unpublished. LOST. Not the same work as Fantaisie et Variations WoO.2I (see above).
Six Romances sans Paroles [Six Songs without Words] (1844).
Unpublished. LOST. May have been rewritten, or renamed, as Six Poèmes Op.15 (see below).
Suite Danseuse [Dance Suite] WoO.2L (1844).
Unpublished. LOST.
- I. Valse [Waltz].
- II. Polka.
- III. Galop.
Jarner Fantasie im ländlichen Stile [Jarner Fantasy in Rural Style] WoO.2M (1844). Unpublished. LOST.
Jaléo & Xeres. Zwei spanische Tänze [Two Spanish Dances] WoO.2N (1844).
Unpublished. LOST.
Jagd-Fantasie über beliebte Jägerlieder [Hunting Fantasy on Popular Hunting Songs] WoO.2O (1845).
Unpublished. LOST.
In den Bergen. Idylle [In the Mountains. Idyll] WoO.2P (1845).
Unpublished. LOST.
Grande fantaisie con Variations brillante sur une aire de l’opéra Romeo et Juliette (Music de Bellini) [Grand Fantasy with Brilliant Variations on an air from the opera I Capuleti e i Montecchi (music by Bellini)] WoO.2Q (1845).
Unpublished. LOST.
Trois Elégies [Three Elegies] WoO.2S (1844-45).
Unpublished. LOST. Premiere of one of the set: 11 August 1844.
Fantaisie über zwei Motive aus der Stummen [Fantasy on two Motifs from La Muette de Portici] WoO.2T (1845).
Unpublished. LOST.
Grande Fantaisie et Variations Brillante sur un motif de Pré aux clercs d’Herold [Grand Fantasy & Brilliant Variations on a motif from Pré aux clercs by Herold] WoO.2U (1844-45).
Unpublished. LOST.
Six Poèmes Op.15 (1845). Listen to an extract
Published: 1846, Schott. Premiere of at least some of the pieces: 17 or 22 March 1846, Vienna.
- No.1 Passion calmé [Passion calmed].
- No.2 De loin [From Afar].
- No.3 Les amoureux [The Lovers].
- No.4 La larme [The Tear].
- No.5 Chanson suisse [Swiss Song].
- No.6 Gigue.
The beginning of No.4 La larme.
Tra Nguyen. © Grand Piano.
Impromptu Op.16 (1845).
Unpublished. LOST.

Album Lyrique [Lyric Album] Op.17 (1845). Listen to an extract
Published: 1846,Schuberth.
- Volume 1 Trois Rêveries [Three Reveries]:
No.1 Andante espressivo.
No.2 Andantino.
No.3 Tempo di Mazur non troppo vivo. - Volume 2 Deux Chansons [Two Songs]:
No.1 Andante con moto.
No.2 Andantino. - Volume 3 Deux Nocturnes [Two Nocturnes]:
No.1 Presto.
No.2 Andante. - Volume 4 Scherzino e Fughetta:
No.1 Scherzino.
No.2 Fughetta.
Close of Volume 2 Deux Chansons, No.2.
Gamma1734 (YouTube).
Album Lyrique [Lyric Album] Op.17 (1865-72). Listen to an extract
Published: 1874-77, Schuberth. A new work, replacing the original Op.17.
- Volume 1 Trois Rêveries [Three Reveries]:
1. Rêverie.
2. Rêverie.
3. Rêverie. - Volume 2: Romance et Ballade [Romance & Ballad]:
1. Romance.
2. Ballade. - Volume 3 Deux Nocturnes [Two Nocturnes]:
I. Lento.
II. Larghetto.
- Volume 4: Scherzo.
- Volume 5: Introduction & Fugue.
The beginning of Volume 1, No.2 Rêverie.
Tra Nguyen. © Grand Piano.
Zwei Paraphrasen über Lieder von Franz Liszt [Two Paraphrases on Songs by Franz Liszt] Op.18 (1845).
Listen to one of the numbers complete
Published: 1846, Eck & Lefebvre.
- I. Du bist wie eine Blume [You’re like a flower].
- II. Mild wie ein Lufthauch [Gentle as a breeze].
II. Mild wie ein Lufthauch.
Digital realisation by Segundo Yogore.
Acht Lieder von Mendelssohn [Eight Lieder by Mendelssohn], arranged for piano WoO.2V (1845).
Unpublished. LOST.
- I. Im Grünen [In the Countryside].
- II. Frühlingslied [Spring Song].
- III. Reiselied [Travelling Song].
- IV. Der Blumenstrauß [The Bouquet].
- V. Bei der Wiege [At the Cradle].
- VI. Altdeutsches Lied [Old German Song].
- VII. O Jugend, schöne Rosenzeit [Oh Youth, Beautiful Season of Roses].
- VIII. Venetianisches Gondellied [Venetian Gondola Song].
Fantaisie dramatique sur des motifs de l’opéra Les deux Princes de H. Esser [Dramatic Fantasy on motifs from the Opera Die zwei Prinzen by H. Esser] Op.19 (1845).
Published: 1847, Meyer.
Deux Morceaux de Salon [Two Salon Pieces] Op.20 (1845). Published: 1847, Meyer.
- I. Sérénade Italienne [Italian Serenade]. II. Air Rhénan [Rhenish Air].
Loreley. Dichtung ohne Worte [Song without Words] Op.21 (1846)
Published: 1846, Mechetti.
Deux Rhapsodies élégiaques [Two Elegiac Rhapsodies] Op.22 (1846). Listen to an extract
Published: 1846, Mechetti.
- No.1 Andante non troppo.
- No.2 Larghetto.
The beginning of No.1.
Matthias Thiemal.
Trois Pièces charactéristiques [Three Characteristic Pieces] Op.23 (1845).
Published: 1845, Kistner.
- No.1 Au bord de la mer [By the Seashore].
- No.2 Chant des guerriers avant de se combattre [Song of the Warriors before Combat].
- No.3 Le contrabandier espagnol [The Spanish Smuggler].
Ode au Rhin [Ode to the Rhine] WoO.2W (1846).
Published: 1846, Eck & Lefebvre as Op.4 of Alfred Jaëll.
Valse mélancolique [Melancholy Waltz] Op.24 (1846).
Published: 1846, Mechetti.
Romance-Etude Op.25 (1846).
Published: 1846, Mechetti.
Den Manen Scarlatti’s [In Scarlatti’s Style]. Scherzo Op.26 (1846).
Published: 1846, Mechetti.
Angelens letzter Tag im Kloster. Ein Cyklus episch-lyrischer Fragmente [Angela’s Last Day at the Convent. A Cycle of Epic Lyrical Fragments] Op.27 (1845-46). Listen to one of the numbers complete
Published: 1846, Kistner.
- No.1 Matutin [Matins].
- No.2 Altes Lied [Old Song].
- No.3 An ihn [To Him].
- No.4 Entschwundenes Glück [Vanished Happiness].
- No.5 Trost [Consolation].
- No.6 Zur Vesper [At Vespers].
- No.7 Am offenen Fenster [At the Open Window].
- No.8 Idylle.
- No.9 Reigen [Round Dance].
- No.10 Blick nach oben [Looking Upwards].
- No.11 Abschied von Allem [Farewell to Everything]. No.12 Sterbeglocke [Funeral Bell].
No.3 An ihn.
Digital realistaion by Segundo Yogore.
Deux Airs Fameau de l’opéra Robert le Diable de Meyerbeer [Two Famous Airs from the Opera Robert le Diable by Meyerbeer], transciption Op.28 (1846).
Unpublished. LOST.
No.1 Cavatine: Grâce! Grâce! [Mercy! Mercy!]
- No.2 Romance: Va! Va!
Liebesfrühling. Dichtungen ohne Worte [Love’s Spring. Songs without Words] Op.29 (1846).
Unpublished. LOST.
- No.1 Zu Byrons Maid von Athen [After Byron’s Maid of Athens]. Réverie.
- No.2 Krakusin im Frühling [Cracow in Spring]: Mazurka.
- No.3 Giulietta. Romanze.
- No.4 Maiständchen [May Serenade]. No.5 Zu Goethe’s Freudvoll und leidvoll [After Goethe’s Joyful and Sorrowful].
- No.6 Gigue chromatique [Chromatic Gigue].
Deux Mazurkas, suivies d’une Sérénade espagnol [Two Mazurkas after a Spanish Serenade] Op.30 (1846).
Unpublished. LOST.
- No.1 Mazurka.
- No.2 Mazurka.
Moderato WoO.2X (1845--46).
Published: 1846, Hallberger’sche Verlagshandlung.

Tarantelle Op.31 (1846).
Published: 1847, Mechetti.
Am Rhein. Romanze [By the Rhine. Romance] Op.32 (1846).
Published: 1847, Mechetti.
Albumstück [Album Piece] Op.33 (1846).
Unpublished. LOST. The piece had the character of a mazurka.
Improvisation à la Tarantelle [Improvisation in the Style of a Tarantella] WoO.3 (1846).
Unpublished. LOST.
Scherzo Fantastique [Fantastic Scherzo] WoO.4 (1846).
Unpublished. LOST.
Paraphrase über Act IV von Meyerbeers Oper Les Huguenots [Paraphrase on Act IV of Meyerbeer’s Opera Les Huguenots] WoO.4A (1846).
Unpublished. LOST. Abandoned unfinished.
Idylle WoO.4B (1846).
Unpublished. LOST.
Sérénade WoO.5 (1847).
Unpublished. LOST.
Sicilienne WoO.6 (1847).
Unpublished. LOST.
Le Carneval à Cologne, Tableau humoristique [Carnival in Cologne, Humorous Picture] WoO.6A (1847).
Unpublished. LOST.
Fantasia über Mendelssohn’s Lied Wer hat dich du schöner Wald [Fantasia on Mendelssohn’s Song Who created You, Beautiful Forest] WoO.6B (1847). Listen to an extract
Published: 1849, Kistner, as No.2 of Mendelssohn’s Wasserfahrt — Jäger-Abschied [Boat Trip — Hunter’s Farewell] by Liszt (S.548/2).
hat dich du schöner Wald WoO.6B
Extract from the work.
Leslie Howard. © Hyperion Records.
Romance inédite de Liszt [Unpublished Romance by Liszt] WoO.6C, transcription (1847).
Unpublished. LOST.
Sechs Universalstudien in den bedeutendsten Elementen der modernen Virtuosität [Six Universal Studies in the most significant elements of modern virtuosity ] WoO.6D (1847).
Unpublished. LOST.
I. Tremolo
- II. Triller [Trill].
- III. Arpeggio.
- IV. Durchbrochenes Spiel [Fragmented playing or arpeggio-like playing].
- V. Chromatisches und mehrstimmiges Spiel [Chromatic & polyphonic playing]. VI. Gesangsscene für zwei Stimmen [Vocal scene for two voices].
Six Lieder arranged for piano Op.34 (1847).
Published: 1849, Müller.
- I. In den Augen liegt das Herz [The Heart shows in the Eyes] (Franz Abt).
- II. Warum so fern? [Why So Distant?] (Bernhard Molique).
- III. Schlummerlied [Lullaby] (Luise Barthelemy).
- IV. Ob ich dich liebe? [Do I Love You?] (Franz Abt).
- V. Serenade (Friedrich Schmidt).
- VI. Wenn sich zwei Herzen scheiden [When Two Hearts Part] (Friedrich Kücken).
Capricietto über Motive aus dem Freischütz von von Weber [Capriccietto on motifs from Freischütz by von Weber] Op.35 (1847). Listen to the work complete
Published: 1848, Müller.
Freischütz von von Weber Op.35
Digital realisation by Segundo Yogore.
Fantaisie Militaire sur Les Huguenots de Meyerbeer [Military Fantasy on motifs from Les Huguenots by Meyerbeer] Op.36 (1847). Listen to the complete work
Published: 1848, Müller.
Digital realisation by Segundo Yogore.
Mélange sur La Somnambule de Bellini [Medley on La Sonnambula by Bellini] Op.37 (1847).
Published: 1848. Müller.
Grande Mazurka Op.38 (1847). Listen to the complete work
Published: 1847, Siegel & Stoll.
Digital realisation by Segundo Yogore.
Notturno d’aprés une Romance de François Liszt [Nocturne after a Romance by Franz Liszt] Op.39 (1847).
Published: 1847, Kistner.
Capricietto à la Bohémienne [Bohemian Capricietto] Op.40 (1846).
Published: 1848, Kistner.
Raff: An Illustrated Catalogue by Mark Thomas, Edition Nordstern, 2021.