Browse a comprehensive catalogue of all Raff's known compositions, and listen to 200+ generous audio extracts from them - over nine hours of music! Download work lists of his complete works.

Read a detailed biography of Raff, or a brief biographical sketch. There are also pages about Raff's family, his background, memorials to his memory and the memories and opinions of his contemporaries.

Explore a full CD discography of Raff's music, together with an LP discography and a listing of digital download-only recordings.

Pages about the Joachim Raff Society and its Archive, a gallery of Raff's portraits, a guide to sourcing Raff music scores, the archive of pioneering Raff musicologist Alan Krueck and Avrohom Leichtling's essays on Raff's major works.

Buy books about Raff direct from raff.org. Learn more about the new definitive catalogue of Raff's music from Edition Nordstern.

This website is maintained by Mark Thomas. Email him if you have any issues with the site, or want to discuss aspects of Raff and his music.